One Community Welcomes Michael Martin to the Pioneer Team
Economic Botanist, Permaculturist, Curator and Plant Propagator: Michael has an extensive skill set in economic botany and plant uses, plant chemistry, plant propagation, species sourcing, post-harvest processing and plant extraction technology, agricultural, agroforestry, and permacultural principles and practical application, business and market development, composting and mushroom cultivation, combined with a diversity of sustainable living interests. Michael […]
One Community What Do We Mean by “The Highest Good of All” Video Blog and Update
This video discusses our accomplishments for the last week (the week of 3/17/2013) and what we mean by “The Highest Good of All” and being a Highest Good of All organization. We also discuss creation of self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. ONE COMMUNITY VIDEO UPDATE BLOG #4 […]
One Community featured on PonderTalkRadio
One Community was featured this week on PonderTalkRadio with Aaron Moritz and Jim Hamell from “The Bridge.” Here is the video of the 1.5 hr interview discussing open source project-launch blueprinting and what’s possible for this planet and all its people. FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS Facebook Updates Page ● LinkedIn ● Twitter
One Community Welcomes New Consultant Charles McLean to the Sustainable Infrastructure Team
One Community is happy to welcome Charles McLean to the consulting team working with us to evolve and complete the SEGO Center City Hub and our aquaponics/aquapini sustainable food systems designs. Charles is an Architectural BIM Designer, College Professor, Urban Agriculture Designer, and the owner of OM Greengroup. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Architecture, and a […]
One Community Featured on The Global Conversation
Neale Donald Walsch (international speaker and author of the Conversations with God book series) just featured an article we wrote on his website, The Global Conversation. The article is called “Creating an Open Source and Free-shared Collaborative Planet“ Here is an excerpt: What would it take to create a free-sharing, sustainable, open source planet without copyrights and […]
One Community on KBPK 95.5 FM Los Angeles
One Community founder Jae Sabol was recently featured on “Environmental Directions,” an international, award-winning interview radio series hosted by Nancy Pearlman. The discussion focused predominantly on sharing One Community as a path to creating increased mainstream involvement. More specifically, the years leading up to where we are now in the process, how our foundation of open source and free-shared blueprint creation is […]
One Community Welcomes Luis Rincon to the SEGO Center City Hub Infrastructure Team
One Community is happy to welcome Civil Engineer Luis Rincon to the SEGO Center City Hub team. Luis is a Civil Engineering graduate from California State University with a minor in Psychology. Coming from a family of farmers greatly influenced and shaped Luis’ beliefs of shared responsibility for the common good. Because of his care for others, he […]
Birth of the SEGO Center City Hub
The “Center of Peace” has evolved into the SEGO Center City Hub to represent the importance and function of this building in relation to our global change strategy, its relation to the 7 different sustainable village prototypes, and its intended purpose as a “launch point” for additional self-replicating sustainable teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities like One Community. S.E.G.O. Center Origin The name […]
One Community Welcomes Yulia Nakonechna to the One Community Pioneer Team
One Community is excited to welcome Yulia Nakonechna to the Pioneer Team. Yulia is a PhD Professor of Linguistics, Private Language Tutor, Children’s Supervisor, Facilitator, and Teacher joining the team working on our transformational education program. Yulia has spent nine years intensively studying languages and foreign literature and is fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, and English, with a […]
One Community Featured on The Bridge with Jim Hamell to Discuss Open Source Sustainability
The Bridge – Jae Sabol & Lee Camp from Jim Hamell on Vimeo. Open Source Sustainability Jae Sabol, the Executive Director of the One Community Non-profit Organization, was interviewed by Jim Hamell for The Bridge last week to discuss open source sustainability and One Community’s part in the global open source and free-sharing movement. Topics of […]