Creating a New Earth: One Community Progress Update for the Last Week
One Community is focused on creating a new earth for The Highest Good of All. Open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing a model for self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world is our path to achieving this. We believe if we make it easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive to enough people, then we can […]
One Community Welcomes Michael Martin to the Pioneer Team
Economic Botanist, Permaculturist, Curator and Plant Propagator: Michael has an extensive skill set in economic botany and plant uses, plant chemistry, plant propagation, species sourcing, post-harvest processing and plant extraction technology, agricultural, agroforestry, and permacultural principles and practical application, business and market development, composting and mushroom cultivation, combined with a diversity of sustainable living interests. Michael […]
Food Production Systems Planting and Harvesting Planning Progress
The One Community open source food production systems planting and harvesting details are progressing! Each of the food production structures below is being designed to be duplicated as a standalone structure or as a complete village food infrastructure set. Combined they will provide over 11,500 square feet of year-round growing space and each structure will […]
Architects of the Future
Let’s be our own architects of the future and create a global cooperative for The Highest Good of All. We think that most of us sustainability-minded people know and agree that the technology and resources exist on this planet to feed, house, and supply energy for every man, woman, and child. We think most of […]
Community Open Source Update
The One Community goal is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing a community open source strategy that facilitates the building of self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world. We are doing this because we are a For The Highest Good of All organization and we believe our success has the potential to create a new era of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, […]
Open Source Green Building and Design: Earthbag Village and Tropical Atrium 3D Progress
GREEN BUILDING AND DESIGN 3D PROGRESS Here’s a quick snapshot of the green building and design process moving into 3D rendering! One Community is a 100% unpaid volunteer organization and this amazing open source project-launch blueprinting work is being contributed by John Bassist, someone who heard about our project on Facebook and decided to volunteer his […]
Highest Good for All One Community Progress Update for the Week of 4/8/2013
Here is the One Community Highest Good for All progress update for the week of 4/8/2013 including the video overview, most recent architectural images, links to the most recently completed pages, and more! HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL VIDEO UPDATE FOR THE WEEK OF 4/8/2013 HIGHEST GOOD FOOD UPDATE This last week for One Community has been […]
One Community World Change Progress Update for the Week of April 1st
Here is our One Community written and video progress update for the week of April 1st, 2013! WORLD CHANGE PROGRESS UPDATE DETAILS FOR THIS WEEK AND THIS VIDEO BLOG SEGO CENTER CITY HUB UPDATED CAD Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of KH Designs) and Charles McLean (Architecture & Urban Agriculture Designer, Professor, and owner of OM Greengroup) continue […]
Self-Sustaining Communities ARE “Within Reach”
A Traveling Adventure to Seek Self-Sustaining Communities At One Community, we have a culture of promoting information about others that share passion for sustainability and sustainable living. We are happy to share information about two individuals that embraced a quest for self-sustainable living. Ryan Mlynarczyk and Mandy Creighton left their mainstream jobs and lifestyle to seek […]
The Open Source & Free-sharing Tropical Atrium Design Portal is Now Live
We are very happy to report that the open source project-launch blueprinting portal for the Tropical Atrium (click to visit) is now live! Along with the creation of this page detailing this component of the One Community sustainable infrastructure, we have also open sourced our back office notes and created a Collaborative Input for Infrastructure Page to make it easy […]