How to Help Humanity: One Community’s Progress Update for the Week of 4/22/2013
One Community continues to move forward as quickly and efficiently as possible with what we believe is the most effective approach to providing what is needed for those interested in how to help humanity. Our approach is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything necessary to create a solution creating model that creates additional solution creating models. […]
Food Production Systems Planting and Harvesting Planning Progress
The One Community open source food production systems planting and harvesting details are progressing! Each of the food production structures below is being designed to be duplicated as a standalone structure or as a complete village food infrastructure set. Combined they will provide over 11,500 square feet of year-round growing space and each structure will […]
Highest Good for All One Community Progress Update for the Week of 4/8/2013
Here is the One Community Highest Good for All progress update for the week of 4/8/2013 including the video overview, most recent architectural images, links to the most recently completed pages, and more! HIGHEST GOOD FOR ALL VIDEO UPDATE FOR THE WEEK OF 4/8/2013 HIGHEST GOOD FOOD UPDATE This last week for One Community has been […]
One Community featured on PonderTalkRadio
One Community was featured this week on PonderTalkRadio with Aaron Moritz and Jim Hamell from “The Bridge.” Here is the video of the 1.5 hr interview discussing open source project-launch blueprinting and what’s possible for this planet and all its people. FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS Facebook Updates Page ● LinkedIn ● Twitter