Permaculture Principles at Work

Permaculture is a design science based on 3 simple ethics: care for the earth, care for people, and share the surplus. Erik Ohlsen from Permaculture Artisans teaches how to permaculture classes through Earth Activist Training (EAT). The goal of permaculture is to create sustainable systems that provide for human needs while regenerating the land around […]

Bjarke Ingels: Sustainable Architecture Evolution

Bjarke Ingels is founder of the Danish sustainable architect group BIG out of Copenhagen. His creations are not typical 2 dimensional architect designs but rather futuristic designs like something found in Hollywood. In fact, Hollywood has even copied his designs, something Bjarke considers a compliment. Bjarke’s construction integrates ecosystems that channel heat, energy, water and waste […]

Life in a Day the Film

Life in a Day is a gift; a once in a lifetime opportunity to see life from hundreds of different perspectives across the globe. Life in a Day shows the daily life of people from 192 countries as they wake up and live their lives on one day, July 24, 2010. For the first time […]

Barefoot College: Solar Technology to the Poor

Bunker Roy grew up in Inda with the most expensive elitist education. After  graduating in 1965 he told his mother he wanted to go work with the poor and see what a village was like. This disapointed her and she felt he had let the family down. He decided to open a college for the […]

Category: Community, One Community · Tags: ,

Solutions for Desertification: Afforestation/Anti-Desertification Video

In many parts of the world, land once ripe for farming is turning into desert and losing life due to the process of desertification; this is the case in the Niger Republic of Africa. Land desertification is causing a great problem for the farmers and villagers who have families and mouths to feed. As this […]

(R)Evolution of the American Dream 2: Action List

(R)EVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM PART 2: ACTION LIST If people can organize into groups of thousands willing to march for freedom, liberty, and the right to a fulfilling and secure life, people can also organize and actually create it. This doesn’t mean we stop paying our taxes, voting, demonstrating, and voicing our concern; what […]

(R)Evolution of the American Dream

The growth of the Occupy Wall Street movement has given us an excellent opportunity to stop and think about where we are, and where we are going. A common statement right now is “end economic slavery” and yet it seems odd to expect the very people who created this situation, and continue to profit from […]


One Community is bringing together the forward thinkers and solution focused people of the world to participate, contribute, adapt, and evolve a new way to live that integrates the principles of sustainability with a culture of cooperation and collaboration. The purpose is to demonstrate a more sustainable and fulfilled living model and environment that we […]

One Community: The drop in the pond creating ripples of change

Creating a Sustainable World through Communities

We live in a day and age where the technology exists to create a sustainable world that meets the challenges of tomorrow with solutions we can apply today. Why should we do this? Here are some staggering statistics: More than 100 million people are homeless worldwide (2005 UN Commission on Human Rights) An estimated 15 million […]

Category: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Energetic vs Monetary Exchange

This was figured out by one of our Community Pioneers. “1. If one person contributes 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year and we were to “pay” them $20/hour, that’s a $40,000 salary. Multiply that by 40 people and we’ve got a workforce worth $1,600,000. That’s $1,600,000 that we don’t have to pay […]

Category: Community, One Community · Tags:

"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~