(R)Evolution of the American Dream 2: Action List


If people can organize into groups of thousands willing to march for freedom, liberty, and the right to a fulfilling and secure life, people can also organize and actually create it. This doesn’t mean we stop paying our taxes, voting, demonstrating, and voicing our concern; what it does mean is that rather than putting our energy into frustration, we put our energy into celebrating the fact that we as a people are finally ready to come together and create something different as the next great shift in the ever-evolving human story!


  1. Start researching and learning about sustainable living and creating energy, food, and housing independence. If you want a great place to start, we post tons of resources on our fanpage.
  2. Take a look at food and sustainable living co-ops, resource based economies, timebanks, and alternative currency models and join one or create your own.
  3. Find out what’s already available in your community/county and organize community meetings to discuss and discover ways in which your community can work together toward sustainably.
  4. Research pre-existing communities that support the kind of life that you want for you and your family and see how you can join or duplicate their models.
  5. Join with others online in a virtual community so that you might share information and resources.
  6. Start visualizing a world where everyone eats and lives abundantly in the way nature intended.
  7. Speak out and share your vision with your family, friends and anyone ready to listen.
  8. Share this list and comment below to keep it evolving.

Click Here for “(R)Evolution of the American Dream Part 1”

Jae Sabol
Founding Member of One Community
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead ~

occupyecovillages, solution based thinking, one community

Solution Based Thinking


4 Responses to “(R)Evolution of the American Dream 2: Action List”
  1. excellent inspiration and articulation! Thanks! we must present the solutions if we are to hope to gain anything!

  2. Lotus says:

    I love this proactive response to the “Occupy Movement” AND I want to shout out to a few other solutions:

    > Source your goods and services from LOCAL/INDEPENDENT producers because let’s face it, not everyone was born to be a farmer and even if it is more expensive (due to corporate subsidies) to buy “local” this money recirculates among the 99% and is the way to vote with your dollars to support a sustainable economy (plus the producers can be your friends and are way more accountable)

    > If you are someone struggling to get by consider becoming a part of creating a stronger local/independent business economy– it may not be competitive to produce disposables that are currently being imported from China (thank goodness!) but there will always be a need for quality goods and services– this space encourages creativity and connection and is a great way to utilize capitalism to live your purpose! Plus, if money is viewed as an exchange of value then why not embrace the capitalist desire for profit from a perspective of generating real value for your community and the world! If your means exceed your needs, then you are empowered to support a charity or cause of your choosing ~ being the solution rather than focusing on the problems!

    In both cases I include “independent” with local because there are definitely sustainable ways for people producing at a “local” scale to trade with people from other locations… The diversity and choice that this kind of trade provides is a valuable part of our current economy, and an “evolutionary” solution will ideally maintain a comparable quality of life while maximizing the positive impact of human actions… While buying from your own community minimizes the carbon footprint of a product, the internet and green energy could facilitate a trade system with a net-positive environmental impact…

    A model that supports all of these solutions is a cooperative ownership model where consumers and/or workers invest in a company in exchange for owner rights. This is a brilliant way for independent businesses to generate start-up capital and can facilitate market-driven development and more affordable pricing in the case of consumer-owned coops…

    Educating and empowering people about these kinds of solutions is the focus of the Holistic Prosperity Campaign (www.holisticprosperity.org), an evolutionary effort to expand beyond the “triple bottom line” to foster economic development that values people, planet, profit and purpose… Again, not everyone was born to be a farmer, but everyone was born to reciprocate some value with the world– and we’re convinced that if everyone was doing this we would live in the kind of widespread abundance, sustainability and harmony that this article seems to be calling for!


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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~