New Addition to the One Community Conscious Music Project: “Give Love” by MC Yogi

give love quote, music to live by, music to love by, Give Love by MC Yogi Quote, live love, give love, love love,We love conscious-message-music and supporting artists with a positive message. “Give Love” by MC Yogi is one of those songs and part of our contribution to the Conscious Music Movement to share the most uplifting songs to live, love, and expand with. Our goal with this project is to share songs that increase happiness and conscious and conscientious awareness through the most uplifting music, positive lyrics, and high vibration songs we can find! If you’ve got an idea for toe-tappin’, sing-along-and-smile music to live to, music to laugh to, music to dance to, and/or music to love to with a message of joy – share it with us here (click) and we’ll review it and add it to The Conscious Music Project if it looks like a good fit!


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***Song submitted by David S. – THANK YOU DAVID!***

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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~